Like all post 1974 classic roadsters, my Spider is (was) afflicted with rather substaincial double chrome bar bumpers. The front bumper does a particuarly good job of spoiling the Pinninfarina styling. Remembering a couple cars back ( a Jeep Wrangler 'TJ') I remembered its bumper overriders (the rubber blocks bolted to the Jeep's rain gutter...er' I mean bumper) and thought they would look pretty good bolted to the end of my Fiat's bumper shocks. I think I was right.

This is what remains of my trusty dremel. It caught a-flame while I was using the cutting wheel to extend the 10mph bumper shock bracket to accommodate the Jeep TJ bumper over-riders I purchased off Ebay.

Here is the modified bracket.
Note that after burning up my dremel I used the proper, if noisy, tool for the job (angle grinder).
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