This was the first and most critical 'driveability' repair I completed with our 'new' 1977 Fiat Spider.
Symptoms: Starting to Overheat after 5-8 miles of highway driving.
Observations: Lower radiator hose cool to touch, while upper is too hot. Electric Fan does not cycle. Tested Termostat in boiling water, works ok.
Prognossis: Thermostat is not opening properly due to air being trapped in lower thermo-body.
Repair Action: Drilled small-ish hole in high point of lower Thermostat Body chamber. This should allow any air to escape to upper hose and be bled off from there.
Update: This has restored normal function to the cooling system. Both lower and upper are now hot when temp reads 90 deg C. Temp has remained normal for two weeks of daily driving. Have run wire for fan-override toggle switch should fan fail to cycle.